A very rich Silver mine with an actual historical record.
In 1853 John Clark made his way to the Arizona territory and struck a rich lode somewhere near Cerro Colorado. The mine may have been located by finding workings abandoned by the Spanish, as the same Apache forces that harassed those early explorers eventually drove Clark away as well. Ore shipped to St. Lois netted a large sum, but a whole pile of the stuff was left outside the mine when it was abandoned – perhaps the ore pile is the best marker to re-find the mine.
Western Treasures Lost & Found, Jessee Ed Rascoe.
Lost Mines and Treasures of the Southwest, Jimmie Busher.
Much of the area is BLM land and not been converted to some other “special” land status to keep all of the humans out, so it’s open to explore. There are some ranches and private property in the area, however, so please respect their rights and leave all cow gates as you find them.
Smuggling and other illegal activity are still active in this border region, so be aware of your surroundings at all times. The usual cautions about rattlesnakes and heat and dehydration always apply also. This area is blanketed with old workings, and Silver is still being found here and there right at the surface. Other mines nearby are Gold mines, and mixed-metal mines.
This treasure story general area is shown on the map page.